Son of my heart, how I ache to comfort you! Your peace is a long way from you yet. The calling of the Lord must prevail, for only He can see you through!
I am sorry you have lost sight of how precious you are to me, but how will you ever find your own strength, if I keep fighting for you? If you depend on me? How will you know how high you can soar, unless you permit Him to lift you up? Your struggle is not against Him. He actually loves you far more than my own human capacity, and comes bearing great gifts for you!
I know the adjustment seems like a great hardship, this taking up of, and growing into, your calling. Suffering in Him always reveals the full measure of our worth, is how we are able to mentally comprehend value: His, and ours in His light. The Son gave us the standard for that determination. It is with bright hope that I release you to fulfill your promise! You will accomplish what you have to when you need to. You will find the joy you deserve in Him!