Friday, April 19, 2013

Out of the Silence

Being a member of the body of Christ for a long period of time makes it difficult, if not impossible, to comprehend the strident voices which seek to deny life experience and our very identity.  It always seems to be a contest of wills, God against His detractors. Opposition is a blatant inability to hear Him. For believers, it's a wake up call to revisit the topic of why we believe.

We all make the same spiritual journey to believe, when we come out of the silence. The written Word offers us His story, and the stories of those whom have learned to hear Him. First we accept what He has told us in His word and from His ambassadors, then we test this new information by practice, and by putting it into use. While we examine, we too are being challenged and tested. By being given the opportunity to defect, out intentions are laid bare, are made apparent. It is impossible to build our own image and yet retain the trust called faith. We can, instead, listen for His instructions. If what we want is Him, we will hear Him. "My sheep hear my voice, and follow me." That Voice opens our eyes and ears via our hearts, by love. Our perception of Him becomes plain. THAT is not something that can be negated by denial.

If the will is set against persuasion, then excuses can always be found. Some have not sought, and therefore have not found, the skill of spiritual hearing, and the submitting of the heart. The deaf should not be condemning those who hear because of their own deficient failure of faith. It is the same as blaming God for their own evil. The caretakers of conscience should not be scapegoated into silence by discrediting or dismissal of the gospel. God's critics always seek to silence Him, but HE is not silent. His extravagant reward is the totality of the blessing which is His Person.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Hem of His Garment

Frank amazement is the only possible answer to attempts by atheism to preach morals. Atheism owns genius at spotting hypocrisy in anything called religion, because of the suffering caused at the hands of authoritarianism. Atheism's only weapons of morality, that we can be judged by, are the laws given by God. It is God using them to shine a light on the ragged remnants of what is as yet unhealed by the Savior. The Lord uses the opposition to create the desire within us to be completely, totally whole in the strength of His mercy. Being surrendered, with nothing reserved, abjectly worshipful, is to be free, at peace. Unfortunately, and to our shame, we must be driven to the point of desperation, before we see the truth of who we are. Our pride builds barriers around us, not bridges.

We were created to have dominion in fellowship with Him. As yet, it does not appear, as to what this is to look like, yet we catch glimpses. While we are here, we mostly get to see what "without Him" looks like. By rejection and persecution, our status as pilgrims in this world is brought home to our understanding. We are gifted with the incentive to pursue HIS glory, to the ends of the earth and beyond our own strength, and to our last breath. We become sure that it would be better to die a thousand torturous deaths that to let go of our Loved One's Hand. The question always is, "Do you trust me?" All our searching, all of our inquiries, inevitably bring us to this truth, that the only value is Him, and what is of Him.

In the dejected  state of our suffering and slavery to sin, our life force bleeds out like an endless issue of blood. More and more builds up the pressure of the cry to be released from our infirmity. Repeatedly, our pride is battered down, so that we can only crawl. From the ground, we can still reach up to touch the hem of His garment. From the power of Him who knows it all, it is enough! When we really need it, and reach out with the dregs of our strength, to touch Him, He is sufficient! Into the face of our desperation, faith, when it is in Him, heals us so we are whole!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Holy! Holy! Holy!

It is only God who is holy!
Sin is MY problem, MY choice
when I turn away from His goodness!
Yet He came and took over my problem!
He, as the answer, is big enough to trust!
completely, with what I cannot handle!
MY evil is what causes suffering.
I take responsibility and confess.
I ask to take on God's nature,
so He allows me His strength,
and instruction from His omniscience!
I can trust Him with my evil!
I can trust Him with it's results!
I can trust Him with the outcome!
I can trust Him with the victory!
Justice and mercy WILL be done
as it happened, at the empty tomb!
In His presence is total joy or terror!
Will you meet the gentle Savior.........
or the Judge!