Saturday, May 15, 2021

New Understandings

I’ve had to change my mind. I have said that the rapture is foreshadowed in the feasts of Israel. I have always been persuaded that second Passover is the time to scrutinize for the redemption of His Body of believers. So that part hasn’t changed. What has become obvious, is that those “bridesmaids” who do not have the oil of the Word called the New Testament, are the ones who are foolish in their lack of understanding, and will not recognize the time of His arrival. The proper calendar could have solved all that. I had said it must be on the publicly acknowledged and scheduled day, so they would realize right away where their errors were. That’s where I was wrong. The time has passed and all the heavens are practically screaming about May 26th as a singular day and exceptionally important, because of an extra month being added (However, blood moons, as the one that will be on this 26th, are signs of judgement on the gentile nations, as Nineveh experienced, before the prophet arrived announcing judgement. Maybe that’s what the heavens are saying.) The Lord DID say He would come as a thief to those who were not watching. I expect we who HAVE been watching, with all of our concentration, will know by the 20th of May whether this day our hope will be fulfilled, as Noah was told a week before. (Is THIS when the pres will pass?) I, for one, will not be sleeping the night of the 25th (provided I’m still around) going on into morning of the 26th, or, should I say, into the morning of the endless day?

Thursday, May 13, 2021

There is a Bridge Between

Some very personal revelations to me from my Abba these past couple of days. These different little gifts of understanding come together to make for a very satisfying story: My own, because of how much HE values me for His own sake, and because of just how compassionate and faithful He is.

The end is the beginning, where I just read a rabbi’s joyful and loving analysis of the story of Ruth. He said that Ruth offered her presence and service to someone who had lost everything: Land, husband, and children. What words could not do, she accomplished by not abandoning the one who had been abandoned by everyone else, supposedly even God. Ruth became her only family. Now, what the rabbi could not realize, is that Ruth is the modern day church, standing with her adopted mother, and showing her a kindness she could not have foreseen. We stand with Israel. Her God is ours. Ruth is my very much one of my mothers, as David is my father.

I was also shown this morning, that the Mazzaroth (what we mistakenly call the Zodiac) in telling the gospel in the stars, has a symbol for this very same body of believers. These are very well named as “the called out ones”, the ecklasia, for they shall soon be called out of this world by their loving bridegroom, to be with Him forever. The symbol for this group is the fish called Pisces. Funny thing about this little fish, is that it is also my birth sign, and I’ve always wondered why my birth date would be such a weird and random day! Doesn’t HE control every detail of our lives, so as to be a sign to us and to others? Now it seems as if I represent His church, as a person, to the nation of Israel, who is also my family. I am always here to support my family.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Still on Watch

Every year is a repeat of the run up, of expectancy and wonder, in contemplating our immediate departure. This year, most watchmen agree, that it is the most likely of years, and spring the most likeliest of seasons. We understand more, now, than we ever have, for HE has revealed it to us little by by little. We understand the types and inferences, the connections and patterns. The clock has wound down on the counting of the years of a generation. This is the year of shifting between the two sevens of Joseph, where HE (Yeshua) will become the owner (for the glory of the Father) of the land, the livestock, and the people. 

The Feasts of God......are for the redemption of Israel, but our departure is still “THE sign of His coming.” It must come on a day that Israel will understand it’s significance, and see that it was written in the scriptures from the beginning (because the LORD never does anything for us that He hasn’t fully documented beforehand). He said that this generation WILL NOT PASS until all these things are fulfilled! That means that this next seven years (of famine, sorrow and trouble) must be completed BEFORE Israel reaches the completion of her 80th year, at her 80th birthday. (Israel, do not stir up Love before it is time!) Also, 2021 to 2028 is a shemita cycle, with the proper counting of the months. In addition, the two calves with the number seven on their heads were born in spring 2014.

The Departure seems to be hinted at in the in the account of the Second Passover given in the 30th chapter of the book of 2 Chronicles. There was so much joy in the observance of the covenant feast, that the people celebrated from the 14th day of the second month, for two whole weeks! The enthusiasm lasted until the 28th day of the second month! This would be the very DAY of the Ascension of Jesus from the sight of His disciples. Since He Rose from the dead on the 17th (the day of victory!), then He was with His disciples for 40 days, He ascended on the 43rd day after Passover! 

The ecklasia (the called out ones) are called the body of Christ. The two witnesses of His Ascension told the disciples that He would return in the same manner He was taken up! The clouds received Him out of their sight, and Paul tells us we will meet HIM in the clouds. The Bride of Christ is one body with Him, so does the imagery of Revelation 12, where the man child is snatched up to heaven, also predict the date of our own ascension? Is HIS Ascension, also our own, in identification and date, but separated by two “days” (two thousand years), because just seven days later is the Feast of Shavuot, when is the changing of the guard (the dispensation, or God’s way of dealing with mankind)?

We shall see.